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Before I Die...Paris Play #100



To celebrate our one-hundredth edition of Paris Play, we've created our third Surrealist Café, our virtual gathering place where readers/friends contribute, and we curate.

Last week, we asked you to fill in the blank: Before I die I want to ______________.

This week, your heartfelt, soul-deep replies; we tried to honor them each with the best illustration that we could create.

Thank you, everyone who played. You make our lives so much richer with your depth, and your willingness to participate in community. When we first arrived in Paris, we worried about isolation from our loved ones. Hah! Not a chance.

May all your dreams come true before you die.


Kaaren and Richard


Ted Tokio Tanaka


Before I die I want to feel comfort to move on to after life.


Porter Scott

Painting by Ku Gao (c) 2012

Before I die, I want to tie the ribbon on my life (or come full circle) by signing all of the paintings of my youth and selecting all of the best photos I’ve taken over the years; thereby leaving my small visual mark on the world as my most satisfying accomplishment!




Before I die I want to marry someone rich to take care of me.


Anna Waterhouse


Before I die I want to see God, preferably in Italy.


Ann Denk


Before I die I want to welcome more grandchildren into our family.


Malika Moore


Before I die I want to be ready, as in Hamlet's saying, "All is readiness."


Polly Frizzell


Before I die I want to see my beloved sisters Kaaren and Jane in the flesh many more times.


Jon Hess


Before I die I want to be free to trust in love.


Aline Soules 


Before I die, I want to know that I've lived completely.


Suki Edwards


Before I die, I want to explore Scandinavia and New Zealand.


Hope Alvarado


Before I die I want to go on an African photo safari.


Sojourner Kincaid Rolle


Before I die, I would like to have a poem that I have written acknowledged for its timeless perfection and, as its composer, be recognized in the history of our time as a Poet.


Marguerite Baca


Before I die I'd like to develop a green thumb, if that's possible, and grow an abundance of vegetables and herbs to share with friends and loved ones.


Joanne Warfield


Before I die, I want to love as I've never loved before with every cell of my being until I turn back into stardust.


Daniel Abdal-Hayy Moore

Street art by Jérôme Mesnager 

Before I die, I want to breathe eternity's air, die before I die in the sweetest sense, and swim in its light.


Larry Colker

Street art by Pole Ka

Before I die, I want to hold my great-grandchild.


Vivian Beban


Before I die, I'd just like to host a fantastic party for loved ones and friends, especially those I haven't seen in years, with a live band (my son-in-law Jeff being the leader, of course) and the best caterer money could buy, in a natural setting or a beautiful winery, and I'd want it to go on for a whole day and evening just like in the old movies.


Bayu Laprade

Street art by ME Paris 

Before I die, I want to achieve great joy, success and mastery in a creative realm.


Sab Will


Before I die I want to know I made a difference.


Carol Cellucci


Before I die I want to stop working and travel.


Craig Fleming


Before I die I want to whirl like a dervish on the razor's edge, entranced yet all the while fully awake.


Ebba Brooks


Before I die I want to get my novel published.


Kari Denk


Before I die, I want to know that my daughter is and will be strong, independent, happy, loyal, charismatic, loving, and an all-around good person.


Bruce Moody


Before I die, I want to bring my work before folks on line and clean out my basement so my daughter doesn't have to do it then.




Before I die, I want to...document every last piece of urban art in Paris.


John Brunski


Before I die, I want to go surfing as much as I did as a kid, or at least as much as my son does now!


Eric Schafer


Before I die, I want to have my book published.


Ren Powell


Before I die I want to grow very, very old slowly; to pass through my days like an outward-bound trip, seeing the new every moment.


Anne Reese


Before I die, I want to walk as I used to, or I want to walk well.


Connie Josefs

Create to create

Before I die, I want to finish and publish my work.


Nancy Zafris


Before I die I want to spend an afternoon with the Loch Ness Monster.


Dawna Kemper

Street art by Fred Le Chevalier

Before I die, I want to see a smart, soulful, progressive woman in the White House (as President, not First Lady; we thankfully already have the latter).


Kaaren Kitchell

Before I die I want to bring forth what is in me,
to transpose vision and memory
into literary works of art.


Betty Kitchell

Street art by Sardine Animal

Before I die, I want to do…nothing!  I've done it all!



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Reader Comments (41)

Dear Dawna,

You've covered it all! Thank you and you're so welcome and amen! Yes, many people e-mailed us privately to say that next time they'll dare to post. We may have to do one more piece on this theme.

Here's to all these wishes coming true. And for all who tried to formulate their dreams, in spite of not posting, may yours come true, too. And yours, Dawna, may it happen in this decade.

Much love,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 19:03 | Unregistered CommenterConnie Josefs


Thank you! We see you and Fred boating around all the oceans of the world.

And some time when you want a shorter trip, Varya would be a terrific travel companion.

Thank you for contributing. (I know, I know, it was hard to cut down that cornucopia of wishes to only one.)

Much love,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 19:11 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

Hi Jeannette,

How wonderful to hear from you. We're so glad you enjoyed the post. We had a blast doing it, and were so moved by all the creative dreamers here who played. And you, being one too, must join in the fun next time!

Let us know when you're next in Paris.

Much love,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 19:13 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

Before I die I want my friends and family to know how much love I carry towards them and what a beautiful part of my life they have become to me.

Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 23:26 | Unregistered CommenterJon Kitchell

And boy do your friends and family return the love for you.

Thank you for sending this in, Jonny.

Much much love,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 23:28 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

Kaaren, the vibrant, joyful, actress and producer Danielle Kennedy just re-posted your Paris Play #100 with this comment in response to one of mine, "My daughter Kathleen Craig Is loving living outside Paris too. I can't tell you how much i love their blog with photos. I want everyone I love to read this. I think it's better than a bucket list or a stupid BUSINESS Plan. Headed to my storage area right now to clean it out so daughters do not have to do upon death. And am inspired to do many of the other endeavors. With many others already accomplished. Oxoxox"

Wow, yours and Richard's creation actually galvanizes people into action, both practical and spiritual(who's to say cleaning out a storage space can't also be a spiritual experience?). In other words, this is no ordinary blog.


Monday, September 24, 2012 at 20:07 | Unregistered CommenterSuzanne Lummis

Woweeee, Suzanne!

What a wonderful message! It's SO wonderful that I'm going to ask you if we could post it in the blog comments. I love the idea of letting Bruce Moody know that his wish inspired your friend, Danielle, to action. Bruce is a film critic, poet, novelist and non-fiction writer whose stories have appeared in The New Yorker. A rather modest way of stating his wishes, but then, he's a Virgo.

It is so dear of you to let us know that someone was moved by our blog, or as we like to call it, online journal. WHO invented that lousy word, Blog?!

Love you and so does Richard,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Monday, September 24, 2012 at 20:17 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

K & R,

What a surprising joy it is to participate in this post.

First of all, the image you have chosen for me is perfect for inspiring the development of my potential green thumb. The image implies simplicity, beauty and an easy, manageable first step, minimizing overwhelm. I do not need a shovel, gloves, a hoe or to even get my fingernails dirty to begin.

The colorful watercans appeal to my aesthetics, and speak "art deco" to me, as in functional art. I adore art deco.

And I can begin with a simple window seal of potted herbs.

Secondly, I'd like to address the concern about feelings of isolation. Isolation has been such a slippery feeling to me. I so thoroughly enjoy my own company in solitude, that I sometimes wonder if that's normal. Then I have felt moments of isolation even while living in the mecca of Los Angeles, within relationships, regardless of entertaining audiences, and teaching yoga to groups. Your Paris Play post has brought us together in such a beautiful, satisfying way(s).

People who are focused on enjoying their lives and contributing something of benefit to themselves and/or others feel the most safe for me to be around. So I am delighted to read about others' dreams, aspirations, gifts that they've yet to share and experience. I may just add some of their ideas to my list.



Monday, September 24, 2012 at 20:53 | Unregistered CommenterMarguerite Baca

Dear Marguerite,

I also love that the image has two green watering cans, green for Athena. You are so appreciative, and we appreciate that.

You're right that it's a good idea to keep a goal manageable by breaking it down into steps. I can see you planting herbs in beautiful art deco containers, and creating a garden in your window. Lacking our own garden in Paris (though with plenty around us like the Luxembourg Gardens), we must do the same with our window box geraniums.

You're also right that solitude can be wonderful--we both love more solitude than is typical--but it must be balanced by creative community. And people who are full of blessing (safe!) do tend to be those who love what they're doing.

I too have added to and deepened my wish since posting it. I'd add many of the wishes stated here to my list, and two that weren't voiced. May we all attain our dreams before we die.

Hugs to you and thank you,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Monday, September 24, 2012 at 21:51 | Registered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

A great post.
It made a difference.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 10:44 | Unregistered CommenterSab

R and K,
After writing this I realized that what I most wanted before I die was to be able to fly........but coupled with the ability to travel with the truck load of love I send into The Universe every day. I was thinking that each wave of love directed at another family member or dear friend would be recognizable through a different color, texture or emotion and my new found ability to fly and visibly see the many forms of love would help me dial up the volume when needed. I could glide along side the love I send gently to so many people each day or I could turn up the burners and drive my love into those that resist with the force of a sledge hammer. Some love would be delivered like an explosion to the heart while other love could be received like a rose petal landing in one's hair. Anyway, this is more of what I was thinking when I wrote my response and a much longer version than I thought you wanted. Talk soon.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 18:24 | Unregistered CommenterJon Kitchell

Yeah, Jonny, That sounds more like you. It's a driving force of love that wants to put a dent in the universe (as Steve Jobs put it).

We welcome any late additions to the "Before I Die, I Want to," as well as rewrites, which we'll post in the comments section.

We love your huge love, and we love you,

Kaaren (& Richard)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 18:33 | Registered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban


Thank you!

You've already achieved your aim. You do make a difference.


Kaaren (& Richard)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012 at 18:35 | Registered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

Congratulations on your 100-issue milestone! I've enjoyed every mile of it.

I think of you often and enjoy your imagery so much.

All best, Jane

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 1:00 | Unregistered CommenterJane Alynn

Dear Jane:

We appreciate your appreciation, and our Francophile hearts beat in unison with yours.


Richard (and Kaaren)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 8:16 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Beban

Dears Kaaren & Richard,

You two never cease to inspire and charm me as well as evoke deep thinking.

Richard, your gift of photo illustration always puts a new face on the written word...it’s definitely one of your (many) gifts..

I appreciate sharing final breaths with you all (how ever many there might be.) It’s not a notion to be quickly forgotten, instead, more deeply felt each moment.

This past weekend (just as this Paris Play posted) I definitely expanded into a bit of “stardust” and was surrounded by lots of love. I was invited to present some of my art/photography to "animate" a mindfulness meditation in a 360° 50’ dome. This was accompanied by about 15 two hundred year old Tibetan Bowls played live as part of a symposium called State of the Arts/Amplify in Los Angeles. It was extra-ordinary. We sure can manifest and give breath to our dreams.

Betty Kitchell…I have to say, yours is my favorite. “I want to do… nothing! I’ve done it all!” What a profound level of satisfaction you’ve expressed. That’s a darn attractive notion that I shall add to my aspirations.

Blessings all,


Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 0:33 | Unregistered CommenterJoanne Warfield

Before i die, i want to live.

Thursday, September 27, 2012 at 10:58 | Unregistered CommenterCanaille Cécile Ney


Go for it! Motorcycles allowed.

--Richard and Kaaren

Friday, September 28, 2012 at 19:51 | Registered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban


Thank you. We continue to blush in the face of your praise.

What a wonderful collaboration with the bowls. Next stop, the Hollywood Bowl?


Richard and Kaaren

Friday, September 28, 2012 at 19:53 | Registered CommenterKaaren Kitchell & Richard Beban

Θέλω να κάνουμε έρωτα όλο το βράδυ και τότε μπορώ να πεθάνω.

(I want to make love the whole night and then I can die.)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 17:17 | Unregistered CommenterOur Greek grocer

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