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I am a snail

who carries the labyrinth

of this city in my soul.


My soul is a labyrinth

I’ve journeyed to the core.

I’ve heard the twelve voices


turn to colors,

form petals

of the radial flower.


I was born slow.

I turned deep.

I begin to blossom.



Once in a while our posts will turn to our personal myth, the fruit of a years-long vision quest. What does this have to do with life in Paris? You’ll see!



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Reader Comments (8)

Love it. Love it love it love it! Need to read it a few dozen times......
Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 18:52 | Unregistered CommenterAnna
Oh Anna,

I love, love, love, love you! I wasn't sure if anyone would understand this poem, since it's about the Invisibles. Of course, you do!

Send me whatever you're writing lately!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 22:52 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren Kitchell
[Kaaren! I tried to post this the other evening, but had tech problems... sorry to be late to the party, but you can pretend I was coming in by snail! :)]

Oh, I love it, too! So wonderful and true! And the drawing of the Snail of Paris is parfait! Carrying the city on its back...moving...at...its...own...pace. (Yes, slow is good... slow is how we travel deep.)

Love you!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 1:43 | Unregistered Commenterdawna

I know what you mean about tech problems. Sometimes I have to write a message four times here before it will go through.

Snail time: kairos as opposed to kronos time. I've found two places where my own sense of time coincided with the sense of time that a whole community has: the Native Americans in the Taos Pueblo of New Mexico, and the French. I had my hair cut the other day and got lost on the way, so arrived 15 minutes late. I apologized for being late, and the proprietor laughed, Mais non! You're NOT late. As if 45 minutes--that MIGHT be considered late (if you were going to be pinched about it). Heavenly!

I too love the snail Richard drew--in minutes on top of the map.

Thank you, thank you!

Kaaren & Richard
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 19:57 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren & Richard
Ha! thanks for the story about your hair appointment. Mais non! I love that. Reminds me of being in Oaxaca... no rush, we'll get there, and we'll enjoy ourselves along the way. The way to truly live, and live fully. So glad you are experiencing that in Paris.

(How is your new hairdresser? How is your new haircut? Send me a photo, please? :))

Lots of love,
Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 20:49 | Unregistered Commenterdawna

Yes, the key is "we'll enjoy ourselves along the way." The process is more important--or at least AS important--as the goal.

This hairdresser is good, but I have to find some way to put her in touch with Antoine in L.A. (and before that, Paris), so he can communicate what he did. Not yet worth a photo! But I like her. One must be grateful if one emerges from an untried hairdresser without it being traumatic.

Love, love,
Kaaren & Richard
Friday, March 18, 2011 at 20:05 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren & Richard

Kaaren & Richard, Yes, indeed, this is what all of us should be doing with our lives. Create & peace is inevitable. I'll be a frequent visitor here; thanks for letting me join the journey. All best, Kit

Friday, March 25, 2011 at 19:16 | Unregistered CommenterKit Kennedy
Dear Kit,

Thank you so much! I don't know if moving to Paris is necessarily what we all should do (I mean, some of us should move to Rome, and some of us should stay home), but if you mean we should all live out our dreams, yes indeed! We're so glad you appreciate the journal and look forward to hearing your creative news.


Kaaren (& Richard)
Friday, April 8, 2011 at 16:26 | Unregistered CommenterKaaren & Richard

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